Last Minute Shopping in Vancouver
September 7, 2014 11:25 pmForgot how much walking we do in Vancouver – the Seawall is always packed with runners, walkers, cyclist, young and old. Went to MEC today for a shoe bag that was small enough to count as a second carry-on. We bought a Murse for Joe to use – Joe has a Murse! Seems to like it too. One of my shoes fit into one of Joe’s shoes so the Murse is awesome and is our official shoe bag. And our last minute buy is probably going to be our best investment – plastic wine glasses – one white one red – with screw off stems! How perfect is that!?!?! Thanks for the idea guys!!
Also loving my short, low-maintenance haircut! My natural colors are coming back which seem to be a combination of white and salt & pepper. Painting behind me was done by the wonderful woman that we rent this condo from. Very talented Vancouver artist.
LOVE your new hair cut – it’s BEAUTIFUL !!!
Thanks Sista!